The 50th anniversary of Concern

Sir, – Fifty years ago my late wife, Kay, and I called a meeting to talk about the developing famine behind a military blockade in Biafra. Unexpectedly, 40 people crowded into our apartment at Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, on March 19th, 1968. Those present were deeply moved by first-hand accounts of the situation from Biafran Chief Robert Olisa and Chief Jerome Udoji who, quite providentially, had turned up in Dublin on that very day.

At this unforgettable meeting we decided to do something to help, although at that point it was very unclear as to what or how. Thus “Africa Concern” was born. Later, when it broadened its horizons, it became Concern. Your readers know what an extraordinary organisation it has become.

The 50th anniversary is a time to recognise the phenomenal work of Concern throughout the years in the world’s poorest and most underdeveloped countries and to give thanks, especially to those very early day supporters. We have no record of the 40 people who attended that meeting, but they or their family members will remember. We would like to make contact with them or their representatives and would ask them to write to me at Concern (address below), or email – Yours, etc,





Concern Worldwide,

52-55 Lower Camden Street,

Dublin 2.