Textbooks vs iPads

Sir, – Even before I began formal schooling, I was encouraged by my parents and extended family to read the daily newspapers and debate their news items.

Later, I joined the local lending library and went through a comprehensive learning experiences in the company of Enid Blyton, Billy Bunter, Just William and Biggles.

Moving into adulthood , I revelled in the range of books in the adult section of the same library, mixing fiction with reference books. I believe I certainly gained all the skills necessary for the 20th century as well as those needed to move into the 21st century.

I accept that iPads are important tools for 21st-century skills, but only when used in combination with book-based learning.


School pupils must learn to appreciate the tactile experience of using reference books alongside current technologies. To progress with technology only will produce an unbalanced population of techies. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.