Tenants make appeal to Minister

Sir, – Kitty Holland's article ("Ballsbridge tenants facing homelessness appeal to Eoghan Murphy", Home News, June 24th) sums up all that is wrong with rented housing in Ireland.

Long-term and good tenants in multi-unit properties unsuitable for single family occupation can lose their homes when the owner sells.

Why should such tenants not have to be included in any sale? A new owner would buy as an investment to bring in rental income, so why should he/she not be prepared to take over existing tenants?

This case is particularly sad as a number of the tenants left after receiving what were subsequently ruled by the RTB to be invalid notices of termination (which cited major renovations). But having lost an initial RTB hearing, the landlord is now apparently selling.


It would make sense for Dublin City Council to buy the two properties – this would mean an average price of €183,333 per unit for the 30 units – not bad value for accommodation close to good public transport, schools and other facilities. Dublin City Council would not have a problem filling the empty units which it would appear to have been empty for many months.

How much would it cost to build the equivalent?

If these tenants lose their homes, presumably they will be entitled to Housing Assistance Payment or have to go into B&B accommodation, the long-term cost of which would be more than buying the properties.

The tenants appealed to their local TD, Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy nearly three weeks ago (asking him to ask Dublin City Council to buy the properties, saying they could be let as social housing) and do not appear to have got a response by the time the article appeared. That says it all! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.