Energy policy and hydrocarbons

Sir, – The people of Ireland would be better served with a realistic plan for reduction in emissions and cleaner air. Through cleaner fuels and the increasing use of natural gas instead of coal, the developed world is lowering emissions, as the United States has done over the last several decades.

Rather than a blanket condemnation of the use of hydrocarbons, a wiser plan would recognise that air travel, heat and power will continue to be most economically provided by hydrocarbons. The focus should be on the cleaner use of hydrocarbons for energy requirements most effectively served by oil and natural gas.

Mandating a complete reliance on renewables will mean that energy will become very expensive, to the detriment of lower income people. Hydrocarbons will play a role in the future of Ireland, regardless of what politicians attempt to dictate. – Yours, etc,



President and

Chief Executive officer,

Gulf Energy Information,


Texas, US.