Taoiseach and visits to constituencies

Sir, – Taoiseach Leo Varadakar's response to Brendan Howlin regarding Fine Gael's solo run in Wexford is very worrying ("Varadkar not concerned about 'upsetting TDs' egos' on Wexford trip", March 7th).

The Government continues to further erode democracy at local government level and is turning Leinster House into a super county council.

Ireland is the most centralised country in the EU, and in fact our centralised system is closer in structure to that of Russia.

This trend runs contrary to the Lisbon Treaty’s commitment to subsidiarity which is devolution of structures and powers to local government level that will aid the participation of the citizen.


The EU is warning us that we no longer live in a paternalistic society and for democracy to survive we must devolve our structures.

In the midst of a national or local crisis, surely it is only right and proper that all elected representatives of an area impacted are kept up to date with what is happening, to ensure all local networks are kept informed, rather than a select invited few. The Taoiseach’s accusation of upsetting politicians’ egos makes me wonder, whose ego? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.