Speed limits on country roads defy logic

Sir,– Having recently returned from a driving holiday in west Mayo, I was quite disturbed by the number of minor roads that had warning signs regarding twists and bends and precautions relating to the road edge, but with signs for a speed limit of 100 km/h.

These were not primary roads and were often not much more than the width of two cars.

The M50, with its three lanes divided from traffic coming in the opposite direction by a concrete divide, has a 100 km/h speed limit for large sections, yet this limit is deemed suitable for rural roads often no bigger than boreens and without any lighting.

There were also 80 km/h limits on small lanes off these minor roads, where groups of people were trying to make their way on foot.


It defies logic that such speed limits are allowed on roads deemed dangerous enough to warrant the warning signs in place. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.