Slow sequence on traffic lights

Sir, – That anyone would wish for a return to the pre-pandemic levels of traffic congestion and pollution is surprising, but Robert Towers would like the phasing of pedestrian traffic lights returned to "normal" (Letters, September 3rd).

He infers that “crowds gathering” at pedestrian crossings should be normal, often waiting for minutes between green phases while crammed on to narrow footpaths.

The number of people who can walk across a road in, say, 10 seconds is far greater than the number of people in cars who can move through a green light for the 30 or 40 seconds allocated. Does he really expect the majority of people to have less priority than the minority?

The most efficient modes of travel need to be supported, not discouraged by long waits at traffic signals. It is the people in vehicles who are causing the congestion and delays he experiences, not the people who are walking. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.