Sinn Féin’s past, present and future

Sir, – Between 1983 and 2018, Gerry Adams, as president of Sinn Féin, denied he was ever a member of the IRA. His successor and his party still peddle that consistent narrative. Few, if any, believe it.

It is is clear from the continuing increase in support for Sinn Féin in recent polls that policies about the future are more important to the electorate than the history of the past. That said, history tends to repeat itself. If a political party and its leaders can tell a grievous and cowardly lie about the past, surely they can just as easily lie about the future? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.


Sir, – Why is Sinn Féin so keen to abolish or “review” the operations of the Special Criminal Court? Do Sinn Féin TDs answer to some shadowy cabal in Belfast? Who would you think would be the ideal minister for justice in a Sinn Féin government? Has the party totally purged its bullies? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6W.