Seanad byelections

Sir, – When I read Harry McGee's analysis of the results of the recent byelections to the Seanad ("Seanad byelection victories boost sense of unity between Government leaders", April 22nd), I was once again reminded of the failed promise to the electorate during the referendum campaign that this institution would be democratically reformed.

Eight years on and nothing has changed except for a refurbishment of the Seanad chamber at a cost to the taxpayer of €17 million and a pay increase for members on the horizon this year.

The two Labour Party candidates are described as doing “extremely well”, with votes of 15 and 27 respectively out of a potential electorate for each panel of 218. Indeed, the candidate who caused the most controversy in this “election” polled a grand total of 10 votes, all this in the context of a registered voting population in Ireland of 3.5 million.

No lost deposits for these failed candidates!


Surely it is now time for the Irish people to again have their say as to whether this seemingly unreformable institution should continue. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.