Seanad byelection

Sir, – I read with interest your report on the upcoming Trinity Seanad byelection (News, August 2nd).

Regardless of the merits of the candidates, the incumbents, or previous Trinity senators, it is difficult to think of a more elitist and undemocratic element of the State than six parliamentary seats reserved for election by graduates.

Even if the Government were to implement the 1979 constitutional amendment to broaden the franchise to graduates outside of Trinity and the NUI, the fundamental injustice of votes for graduates only would remain. Indeed it would be entrenched.

No doubt aspiring candidates will campaign on the basis of the need for urgent Seanad reform. Many candidates in previous Seanad elections have done so without any changes.


All those who participate in this upcoming byelection collude in perpetuating this rotten borough. If Trinity graduates really want to signal a desire for change they should nominate and elect an abstentionist candidate in the upcoming byelection. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 1.