Schools and strike for climate action

Sir, – There is a favourable global change of climate taking place in how young people are addressing the catastrophic impact of climate change on the planet and the urgent need for mitigation actions.

Many adults remain in denial; others feel overwhelmed about what they can do; and others sadly switch off at the mention of the topic.

There is at last a sign of hope and young people all over the world will make their voices heard in a “Global School Strike for Climate Action” on Friday.

Young people will walk out of classrooms all over Ireland and take the opportunity to demonstrate and call for action to do something fast about climate change.


I hope that politicians, business leaders and policymakers will listen and Ireland can start to become thought-leaders rather than reluctant followers in addressing the incalculable risks that climate change poses for this generation and the ones that follow. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – I just turned 12 last week, and the people making the big decisions about my world’s future will not see the consequences of their actions in their lifetime, but my generation will. I’m sure you’ve heard about the school’s climate protest on Friday, and I urge every school in the country to take part and speak out in support of my generation and the importance of looking after our planet. Doing little or nothing is not an option, as there’s no planet B. – Yours, etc,



Kilkenny West,


Co Westmeath.