School secretaries

A chara, – Many thanks to Maria Murphy (June 2nd) for her kind words about school secretaries. As one myself, for the past 28 years, I really appreciate you giving some space to the subject

What many don’t know however is there is a big difference in pay and conditions for school secretaries. Some of us are employed by boards of management and some are employed by the Department of Education. The boards are given a grant to pay us. The problem is the grant does not cover a proper wage so the boards of management must try to add to it, another burden on already stretched school funds. Those employed by the Department of Education are civil servants and so have all the benefits of same.

Next year I will retire. By that time I will have worked 29 years front of house in a State building. I like to think that being the first port of call I have served the school well. Despite this, the Department of Education will not acknowledge my contribution. I am not alone. It’s high time this difference was acknowledged and corrected. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 15.