School admissions policies

Sir, – The headline "Religious schools may be forced to prioritise local children" (March 21st) implies that only faith schools will have their admissions policies changed following the consultation process carried out by the Minister for Education. In fact, the Minister's proposals will apply to all schools.

This is a very good thing. It will oblige all schools to be as inclusive as Catholic schools. Research carried out by Educate Together and the ESRI in 2012 found that Catholic schools were more inclusive that multidenominational schools (School Sector Variation among Primary Schools in Ireland). Catholic schools had a significantly higher number of children with learning difficulties and disabilities than in other schools types and Catholic schools were far more likely to have greater numbers of Traveller children.

Is anyone campaigning for an end to this selection barrier in multidenominational schools? – Yours, etc,



Chief Executive,

CEIST (Catholic

Education Irish

Schools’ Trust),

Embassy Office Park,

Kill, Co Kildare.