Sale of ‘Armada Table’

Sir, – The upcoming sale of the "Armada Table" (News, October 6th) is to be regretted given its centuries-long ownership by the O'Brien family and its association with the great castles of Co Clare they once resided in: Lemenagh, Dromoland and Bunratty.

Their custodianship of the table has ensured the survival of an item of furniture of national importance to our decorative arts heritage, and which represents one of the very few examples of woodcarving from the early modern period in Ireland.

Furthermore, their loan of the table to Bunratty Castle since the 1960s has presented an opportunity for countless visitors to see it within an old O’Brien home.

The significance of the table to Ireland’s cultural patrimony and to that of Co Clare provides every reason for public intervention to ensure it not only remains in the country, but continues to be on public view. – Yours, etc,



Executive Director,

Irish Georgian Society,

City Assembly House,

South William Street ,

Dublin 2.