Russia and Syria

Sir, – Your Editorial "The world shirks its responsibility" (April 10th) is a perfect example of the "Wag the Dog" phenomena of modern times. As the article formulates, another "chemical attack" has been launched in Syria by the "brutal Assad regime". Photos of innocent victims circulate, "rescue workers" and "medics" readily report the atrocity.

Well, here we go again. In reality, the whole world is witnessing another “fake news” event concocted by the “White Helmets rescuers”, “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights”, based in London, and “Syrian American Medical Society” (essentially PR crews for Isis, Jabhat al-Nusra and their US masters). The only purpose of this action is to accuse the Syrian authorities as well as Russia of committing this crime and use it as a pretext for armed intervention against legitimate Syrian government.

All those present on the ground in Eastern Ghouta, including in Douma – Russian military experts, the Syrian Red Crescent staff – have not seen any evidence of chemical attack. The doctors from the town hospital of Douma report that they have not received patients with chemical poisoning, and are treating people with trauma, gun and shrapnel wounds. Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov called on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to send immediately its team of experts to investigate, and reports from the OPCW indicate that there is a chance of such a mission coming to Douma. The government of Syria is ready to provide security and all necessary conditions for such a mission.

It seems that under the circumstances the really responsible thing the international community could do is put an end to shameless manipulation in the media which may lead to the most serious consequences. – Yours, etc,



Press Secretary,

Embassy of the Russian

Federation in Ireland,

Orwell Road,

Rathgar, Dublin 14.