Road safety

Sir, – The article stating that accidents on the N20 between Cork and Limerick are frequently fatal emphasises the need for major traffic routes to be upgraded to motorway status to separate traffic travelling in opposite directions and to minimise risk at junctions between major and minor roads ("Traffic accidents four times more likely to be fatal on N20 Cork-Limerick road", News, May 25th).

It is accepted that motorways provide the safest long-distance road transport. For the safety of our population, it is imperative that our road network between cities and ports be completed to motorway standard.

In the Wexford area where I live, plans for completing the M11 motorway between Enniscorthy and Rosslare, a busy route serving Rosslare port which has become much busier since Brexit, are being reviewed and will possibly be postponed because our current Government appears to have a rather jaundiced view of motorway building. Juggernauts heading at speed to Rosslare port are mixing with slow local traffic, with elderly drivers in small cars and with agricultural vehicles.

Can I please call on the Government to place road safety as the top priority when planning the road infrastructure? – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.