Revitalisation of the Catholic Church

A Chara, – The revitalisation of the Catholic Church won't happen because of synods or the laity demanding a change in church teaching (Margaret Lee, "Laity must lead revitalisation of the Catholic Church", Rite & Reason, May 25th).

The Catholic Church is not a human institution like any other to be changed at will, because it is the church founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is making the same error the Tower of Babel builders made. They too were trying to reach heaven on their own terms and without reference to God in their hubris.

All their mighty efforts came to naught, ending in even greater confusion and division; their story is recorded in the Bible as a warning for posterity.


The Catholic Church will be revitalised the day the faithful set aside their own desires and pray earnestly to the Holy Spirit for an outpouring of grace to “rekindle the fire of love” on God’s terms; and return to the Eucharist as the “ . . . source and summit” of Catholic life (Catechism, 1324). – Is mise,



Co Cork.