Returning to school

Sir, – If anybody thinks that a possible return in September will look like a typical school-year start, then they may be in for a surprise.

An insight into what a September return will look like is given by the Framework for Reopening Schools report published by Unesco, Unicef, the World Bank and the World Food Programme.

Among the many strategies recommended by the report, it states that schools prior to opening should, “Develop clear and easy-to-understand protocols on physical distancing measures, including prohibiting activities that require large gatherings, staggering the start and close of the school day, staggering feeding times, moving classes to temporary spaces or outdoors, and having school in shifts to reduce class size.”

Try and imagine the above procedures in place in your local primary and secondary schools.


Unless we start planning now (and stop talking about the Leaving Cert) reopening schools in September might not be possible or may be chaotic and potentially life threatening. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.