Residents’ Associations and NIMBYism

Sir, – Reading an article about a proposed new development or infrastructure project invariably means reading comments from a local “Residents’ Association” in opposition to the project.

Headlines often uncritically present these comments as representing the opinions of all residents. “Locals disappointed by approval for 1,592 unit build-to-rent scheme at Clonliffe Road” (November 8th) is no exception.

Rarely do these articles describe the membership of these NIMBY-oriented groups which skew older, have higher rates of home ownership, and by virtue of that home ownership are wealthier than the general public.

Nor do they share opinions of locals who are not members of these groups.


Uncritically amplifying the voices of these older, wealthier homeowners only serves to inflate their property values, entrench their wealth, and shut out young people, low- and middle-income workers, and students who wish to live in these neighbourhoods.

– Yours, etc,


Portobello, Dublin 8.