Reopening of Supermac’s

Sir, – It was with some surprise that I read of the planned reopening of Supermac's outlets here in the west of Ireland ("Supermac's to start reopening outlets", News, April 22nd).

I don’t understand how these outlets are an important or essential sector of the economy in this period of the Covid-19 restrictions.

Many employees of Supermac’s will have to travel to these outlets outside of the 2km restriction zone, and they hardly qualify as essential workers. Also, the opening of the drive-through facilities may encourage the public to break the 2km restrictions. As two of the three outlets are on the eastside of Galway city, this could cause difficulties for gardaí trying to control the measures in place regarding the two-km restriction.

I would particularly be concerned also for Supermac’s employees in relation to physical distancing and how that can really be implemented.


It’s not right in my opinion that Supermac’s can take this unilateral approach, especially while many other food outlets are adhering to the Covid-19 restrictions. It will open the doors for all other food service outlets to do the same.

Why not wait until May 5th to see what guidelines the Government decides? – Yours, etc,

