Renewing Dún Laoghaire

A chara, – Dónal Denham (Letters, May 30th) strongly criticises Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council for not proceeding with the construction of facilities for giant cruise ships in Dún Laoghaire harbour. As a business person in Dún Laoghaire, and a one-time secretary of the Dún Laoghaire Business Association, I can confirm that the many large cruise ships which visited us to date did not result in any significant increase in local business.

Furthermore, the abandoned proposals would have included very deep dredging of our harbour, which would undermine and probably collapse the heritage piers, the very assets which can be instrumental in the rejuvenation of the region.

In this light, the council is quite right in deciding not to proceed with what I believe are widely regarded as ill-conceived plans, and not of our council’s making.

That rejuvenation of Dún Laoghaire lies in the development of our harbour, as a heritage and working harbour, in conjunction with State involvement in our locally based National Maritime Museum, and the development of additional hotel accommodation of all varieties, which in turn will attract quality retail operators to our town. – Is mise,



Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.