Putting the pen back in the pension

Sir, – Does this three-headed Government know what it is doing?

Since March State pensioners who are customers of their local post office did not have to use the electronic pen to sign for their entitlement due to the fear of Covid-19 infection.

Yesterday when I visited my local post office to draw my pension the old system of everyone signing with the same electronic pen had been restored and was back in use. Surely this is a backward step when the entire country has been placed on a Level 5 lockdown to prevent the spread of infection?

To make matters worse a man entered the post office without wearing a mask. He was unchallenged and signed for his pension while talking to all around him.


Either we are serious about curbing the spread of infection or we are not. The post office must explain why it has re-instated a system that can only aid the spread of infection. – Yours, etc,

