Priesthood in a changing society

Sir, – Rev Gerard Moloney ("My 30 years as a priest have brought no little disappointment", Rite & Reason, October 2nd) writes of the problems of the Catholic Church and the difficulties he has faced as a priest. He states that in 1988, the year of his ordination, he seldom wore a clerical collar; today, he never wears one. While I sympathise with him in his sufferings, I would urge him to put on his collar and to accept the consequences. If his fellow clergy could do likewise it would be a major witness to their Catholic faith and commitment to the priesthood. Fr Gerard stated that, "It takes a brave person to be a card-carrying Catholic in Ireland today". I can say that it takes no bravery on my part, nor, as far as I can see, on the part of friends, neighbours or fellow-parishioners to be seen as Catholics.

I have no card to carry but I do wear a Pioneer pin with a gold ring around it. Maybe that will serve as a sufficient advertisement! – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.

Sir, – Fr Gerard Moloney’s opinion piece is an honest expression of what must be so frustrating for a dedicated priest who earnestly wants change within the Catholic Church.

The World Meeting of Families and the recent visit of Pope Francis have given many of us who are still practising our faith real hope for the future. The church may remain unchanged in terms of theology but I do think it will be a more humble church that lives out the Gospel message of love for the vulnerable, rather than an arrogant and judgmental church. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.