Presbyterians and same-sex marriage

Sir, – Unfortunately, homophobia is not confined to schools ("Being gay in school: 'It's still a hushed subject'", News, November 12th). If only it were, we might stand a chance of finally stamping it out.

My own experience over the past six months is that another pillar of society, the church, is similarly overrun with homophobia. Last month TV, radio and print media (including this newspaper) reported how I was left feeling demeaned and dehumanised by an unnecessary and invasive Commission of the Presbytery of Dublin and Munster (Presbyterian Church in Ireland), investigating my decision to marry the person of my choice – my same-sex partner of 20 years’ standing – in November 2018.

When the commission’s oppressive behaviour was challenged at the recent Presbytery meeting, this was met with a wall of stony silence.

If the churches are still content to allow conservative factions to casually disrespect the lives of LGBT people, then we remain a long way from freeing schools of this scourge. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.