A cash-strapped capital city

Sir, – Your editorial on the problems facing Dublin City Council was a welcome commentary on the real financial crisis facing our capital city ("Dublin City Council's budget – strapped fore cash", November 13th).

However, it should be noted that not all councillors took the easy option in relation to the local property tax. Councillors from Labour, the Green Party and the Social Democrats saw the hypocrisy of seeking more funding from Government while voting, for populist reasons, to reduce our own funding stream, and supported retaining the rate at that set by Government.

These crises in the funding of local government will continue until our State establishes a clear, understandable, agreed and sustainable system. I have repeatedly called for the establishment of a national forum on the financing of local government, with a representative membership and a tight timescale to report. I do so again. – Yours, etc,




Labour Group,

Dublin City Council.

Sir, – Further to your editorial, as citizens of Dublin, we need to decide what services and infrastructure we want, and, crucially, how we can pay for them.

If we want to improve the quality of the air, and reduce traffic congestion, we need to discourage cars from the city. So yes, higher car parking and on-street parking charges are appropriate. The same applies for the East-Link charge. If we want safe and accessible footpaths and a pleasant environment, money needs to be found to pay for them.

These who are lucky enough to be renting social housing should not begrudge an extra €160 a year to fund homes for others.

Business in Dublin is good generally, and companies who are benefiting from the many advantages of a city location should be prepared to pay for it. This griping about every new or increased charge is what has left us where we are with water.

Can we be honest with ourselves and realise that there is no magic wand. We need to pay! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.