Poor choices for vegetarian diners

Sir, – I returned to my native Ireland a decade ago, having lived for many years in the UK. Since my return, my late husband and I tried and failed to find one delicious vegetarian meal to eat in a bar, restaurant or four-star hotel.

Being vegetarian is not a fad or a trend, as many people wrongly assume. It is a profound, ethical stance based on compassion for living creatures. Fish is not a purely vegetarian option.

Most restaurants charge €15 for a very boring (freezer to oven) veggie burger with fried chips. I don’t like either. I fail to understand why Irish cooks cannot Google a few basic veggie recipes and cook them. A cheese omelette takes six minutes. A pasta with pre-bought pesto or tomato sauce takes nine minutes. And, in the land of floury potatoes, why is there never, ever the option of a baked potato? Six minutes in a microwave. With a few toppings. No need to be a Michelin-star chef to produce such simple food.

The problem is a bad attitude. Disdain for vegetarians. A “take it or leave it” attitude. I find this very surprising in a country which is trying very hard to win back both locals and tourists.


I have yet to see any option other than veggie burger and chips, or very occasionally halloumi ( which is never properly grilled) on any Irish menu anywhere.

Very disappointing in 21st-century Ireland, which boasts about its cuisine. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.