Political jibes and insults

A chara, – Maureen Dowd ("Has game-changing Trump doomed Democrats to irrelevance?", World Opinion, September 16th) criticises Donald Trump for his "aria of insults" because he referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas" and former US vice-president Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe".

Most people would regard those as jibes within the political game rather than insults.

Your columnist, meanwhile, constantly personally insults Mr Trump.

In this latest column, she describes him variously as a “moron”, “one of the phoniest people to ever walk the Earth”, the “Narcissus president” and a “barbarian”.


There is a word for people who apply higher moral standards to others than they do to themselves. I am sure Maureen Dowd is familiar with it, and has used it against Mr Trump, but as a clue it starts with the letter “h”. – Is mise,




Co Kildare.