Pawns in the UK’s Brexit game?

Sir, – Stephen Collins outlines Ireland's vulnerability to being used as a pawn in the Brexit negotiations with the EU ("We may be used as Brexit pawns in British negotiating game", Opinion & Analysis, March 9th). It is in Ireland's interest that the UK gets everything it wants on trade, but the EU's interest is the opposite – the UK must get less than it currently has via the single market and the customs union. So the UK can lean on Ireland harder than on any other of the EU's states, and add to that its continued strategic neglect of Northern Ireland, thus tipping it into political crisis, unless the Irish play ball, as the UK expects. We are the state that the UK will target, above all others, to veto any deal which the UK dislikes. We can expect no mercy and no favours from the UK.

And perfidious Albion will blame the EU for all of this, thus absolving itself from any responsibility. Public opinion needs to be prepared by politicians for this eventuality, as the UK media will relentlessly propagandise the myth of EU malice. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – How desirable in the cold light of reality is Brexit to those who voted to leave? If a number of straw polls were held throughout the UK, It might be clear in a democratic way that many regret their decision. Then, perhaps, the ship of state could change course and avoid the rocks ahead. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.