Passenger safety and public transport

Sir, – David McWilliams's article on persuading people out of private cars onto public transport makes the same omission as the Green Party consistently makes when it speaks of sustainable transport ("Make buses, trains and trams free – and revolutionise Irish transport" (Opinion, January 29th). The biggest difference between private cars and public transport is personal safety.

Fifty per cent of the population is female. We consciously or subconsciously risk-assess every journey. Even the formidable women who announce “I refuse to give in to fear” are aware of the risk they are willing to face.

The weakest link in public transport is the walk to and from the bus stop or station. In winter, commutes start and finish in darkness. In the last month a young woman suffered a life-changing injury at a Luas stop. Last summer another young woman was pushed down the gap between train and platform in a Dublin station.

Tuesday’s newspaper reports an assault on another woman walking near her home.


If you want more women to leave the safety of their cars and walk or cycle between home and public transport, then the streets need to be made safe. Green initiatives shouldn’t be painted the colour of blood. – Yours, etc,

