Palestinian struggle for justice

Sir, – Human Rights Watch has published a report which concludes that Israeli authorities are “committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution”; this follows on from Israeli non-governmental organisation B’Tselem declaring “This is apartheid” in a position paper in January this year, and of course these affirm what the Palestinian people have said for decades. Israel is flouting international law by not providing vaccines to the people it occupies, and the healthcare system in Gaza, devastated by years of siege, is struggling to cope with rising Covid-19 cases.

Meanwhile, in Sheikh Jarrah, in occupied East Jerusalem, 28 Palestinian families constituting approximately 500 Palestinians are under threat of eviction from their homes. The families have sent a letter to the International Criminal Court calling for an urgent investigation of this forced displacement. The letter has been endorsed by 190 organisations, including the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Jewish Voice for Peace, and War on Want. Palestinian churches are also urging Pope Francis and the World Council of Churches to help stop the eviction.

How many reports, how many illegal actions, how much injustice must be witnessed before meaningful action is taken by the international community, Ireland included, to sanction Israel for such crimes? It is long past time that this apartheid was challenged, and Palestinian rights upheld.

Until then, as with apartheid South Africa, civil society can support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as a form of non-violent pressure on Israel, in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality. – Yours, etc,




Gaza Action Ireland,
