Opus Dei

Sir, – Regarding the reference made to Opus Dei in the article "Fresh face for Scouting Ireland after years of turbulence but divisions remain" (News, May 29th), I would like your readers to know that Jack Power contacted the Opus Dei Information Office on May 25th with a very specific question. He asked whether, based on old records, it would be possible to determine if two named persons involved in that scandal were members of Opus Dei. He added that, since both were deceased, he did not believe data protection matters would apply.

Having looked into the matter, I replied on May 26th that “we know of no reason to suppose that either of them were faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei.” (In case that was not clear, let me now state that they were not in Opus Dei).

It was therefore of great dismay to find that his report contained an anonymous suggestion that “some of the now deceased former high-ranking alleged perpetrators also had links to Opus Dei”, and that the journalist made no mention whatsoever of our immediate reply three days earlier to his query on this precise matter.

In reporting on sensitive issues like this, I feel that it is important to bear in mind that behind the institutions there are people who are hurt by unfounded allegations.


At the same time, I wish to place on record my firm condemnation of any case of abuse and assure those who suffered of my prayers. I would also like to acknowledge the work of the media in helping to put an end to this plague.


Opus Dei Information


Dublin 2.