Old beer in new glasses

Sir, – Recent correspondence regarding the dwindling popularity of traditional stout suggests that few enough of the beer bottles gathering lockdown dust on pub shelves contain the black brew (Letters, August 12th).

Now might be an appropriate time to reflect on the fate of another saloon stalwart – the standard pint glass. The attractively squat, classic tulip glass is gradually being replaced by a vessel which the international owners of Dublin’s iconic beverage presumably regard as appropriately modern.

This upstart imposter is tall and narrow with an aggravatingly irrelevant groove located precisely in the “grip” area. The increased height’s most unfortunate consequence is a visible reduction in the circumference of the pint’s cream head. Of equal concern is the added propensity for a deepening of the drink’s proportion of froth, resulting in the aesthetically unacceptable “bishop’s collar”.

Some pubs, it appears, are reluctant to stock this glass.


And barflies will be familiar with the increasingly common cross-counter refrain: “Barman! A pint of stout in an old glass, please!” – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.