Official advice and legal bans

Sir, – In his speech announcing Dublin’s move to Level 3 of the Covid-19 Framework for Restrictive Measures, the Taoiseach stated that “those living in Dublin are advised to stay within the county, unless they need to travel for work, education and other essential purposes. Similarly, people outside of Dublin are advised not to travel into the county except for work, education and other essential purposes.”

One assumes the word “advised” was used advisedly and in line with the provisions of the Constitution.

However, The Irish Times editorial "What's the plan to get to Level 1 " (September 19th) calls this advice a "ban on non-essential travel to and from the capital".

This advice is not a ban as it is not, to my knowledge, a legal prohibition.


While the Garda quite rightly encourages people to abide by the Government’s advice, there is no enforcement element insofar as travel within the State is concerned. I am sure that this is being made abundantly clear at the Garda checkpoints. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.