Not so premium at the Aviva Stadium

Sir, – I note that the price of a “premium ticket” for the November rugby international against the All Blacks is €165.

This is an eye-watering amount. In truth it’s a shocker. Why? Because calling the “premium level” at the Aviva by such a title is a misnomer. Anyone who has been there knows it is always way too congested.

Before matches and during half-time one has to queue up to 10-15 people deep in order to buy a drink. Then one has to queue in order to get into the toilets, only to queue again when inside.

We love talking up our national stadiums as some of the best in Europe, etc.


However, we clearly get carried away with ourselves. Premium levels in most other stadiums around Europe are on a different level altogether. Premium at the Aviva can sometimes look more like steerage.

This makes the €165 a seat seem rather excessive.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.