NI protocol and political manoeuvring

Sir, – To what degree is the NI protocol being used as a diversionary tactic by the DUP and certain elements within the Tory party?

In the case of the DUP, it provides Jeffrey Donaldson with the excuse to avoid the election of a Sinn Féin First Minister and the symbolism that would entail.

Liz Truss seems to have overtaken Rishi Sunak as the front-runner to replace Mr Johnson as Tory party leader and PM. As part of her leadership bid, and to endear herself with the European Research Group faction of the Tory party, Liz Truss is using the protocol to provoke a reaction from the EU, thus enhancing her pro-Brexit credentials.

Mr Johnson, of course, is using the protocol to divert attention away from the many failings of his premiership.


All of the above people have deliberately overlooked the majority acceptance that exists in Northern Ireland for the protocol. The unique trading and commercial benefits accruing from the protocol are now fully understood and appreciated by the people living there.

Accordingly, one is entitled to question whether the protocol has become the latest “dead cat strategy” of elements within Tory party? – Yours, etc,


