Mica redress scheme

Sir, – The vast majority agree that those affected by mica defective blocks should be compensated. However, the scale of compensation being proposed is difficult to comprehend when we consider the many homeless and also the hundreds of thousands of people who do not own a home and have no prospect of owning one.

Can Government please come up with a fully-costed plan that sorts out mica and the many other housing issues in the country so that everybody living in this country has a proper housing solution that meets their needs?

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – Now that investment properties are to be included in the redress scheme, should consideration also be given to compensating shareholders in Anglo Irish Bank who lost their investment owing to lax regulation within the financial sector?

Is there no end to this madness? – Yours, etc,


Skerries, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Congratulations to the 7,500 homeowners in Donegal and Mayo who are to receive €2.2 billion under the mica redress scheme.

By any standards this is a huge amount of taxpayers’ money, especially in a time of economic crisis due to Covid-19.

Let’s hope they accept it gracefully and say a simple “thank you”. – Yours, etc,


Portarlington, Co Laois.

Sir, – I see a Mica Action Group spokesman is quoted as saying that the scheme “discriminates against bigger houses” due to the €420,000 cap (Home News, December 1st).

If house owners decided to build palatial mansions then why should the ordinary taxpayer be subjected to paying for the complete cost of rebuilding such houses? – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – A compound neologism: “micaeconomics”.

– Yours, etc,


Dalkey, Co Dublin.