Locating Bullock Harbour

Sir, – Roger Hurley is right (Letters, August 28th). Google and now The Irish Times absurdly locate Bullock Harbour in Glenageary, but only because that's our postal sorting office. I gather that the confusion of sorting office with location now happens all over the country and the people will soon rise up against this kind of thing.

As a nation we are particular about our places and small differences matter. My father Jack, who some of your readers will have known better as Hugh Leonard, maintained that he had left Dalkey in 1984 to move to Bullock. He persisted in locating Bullock as being neither in Dalkey nor Sandycove but between the two.

His evidence included the story of the three men arguing over a pint in a Dalkey pub. When one left, the second turned to third and said “pay no attention to that man, he’s just a runner-in from Bullock”.

– Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.