Letters lift the spirits of a bereaved father

A chara, – I have been humbled by the response to my request for letters and cards (“Father of three deceased children appeals for letters during isolation”, Home News, March 27th). Little did I think when I made my request that your readers would respond in such an overwhelming fashion. Funny, poignant, comforting and touching are just some of the words I would use to describe the responses. A huge thanks is due to all the children who have written too with their own stories of growing up and dealing with the current isolation. Also all their drawings are fantastic.

As much as I would like to write back to everyone it would simply be impossible to do so. I would just like your readers to know that I still have to open the vast majority of the letters as I am reading through each and every message I get. It also gives me great comfort to know that many people have watched Conor’s Clips on YouTube and that they can see how happy and joyful Conor, Darragh and Carla were.

These letters have helped me so much and have significantly lifted my spirits. I am though but one person who needs support during this period of isolation. I therefore have another request for your readers. Please find someone else in your community who could do with a similar boost. It could be a letter, a call, a two kilometre walk or a socially distant chat at their front door. I have benefited from your readers’ kindness and I have faith they will respond to this further request. – Is mise,




Co Dublin.