Lessons in Brexit for Ireland?

Sir, – It is accepted in Dublin and in Brussels that the Republic will suffer more than any other EU nation as a result of Brexit. It may also impact upon the land Border between the UK and the Republic.

One way to avoid these problems would be for the Republic to exit the EU the same day as Brexit; after all the Republic and the UK joined the EEC on the same day. The UK is the Republic’s main trading partner!

John O'Hagan argues that if the Republic left the EU it would mean monetary union with the UK ("Talk of Ireland following Britain out of the EU is arrant nonsense", Opinion & Analysis, February 7th). He maintains there would be no say in UK trade agreements. So, it would be better for the Republic to suffer on after Brexit!

But the Republic is a member of the euro monetary union and only a small voice in a union of 27 nations deciding trade policy.


Much better to avoid the economic decline following Brexit and to agree a new arrangement with the UK to decide monetary and trade policies than being only one of 27 nations and creating unnecessary problems at the Border. – Yours, etc,



Co Armagh.