Leaking a confidential document

Sir, – The article "Who are the main players in the Varadkar document leak?" (News, November 3rd) ignores one very big group of players who are potentially affected by Leo Varadkar's leak: the thousands of public servants who go to work every day and don't share confidential or private documents with their friends.

When it comes to sharing confidential or private documents, it doesn’t matter if the common good would be served by sharing the confidential documents, or if most of the information is already in the public domain. However, intent and whether or not the leaked documents contained much confidential information seems to be Mr Varadkar’s defence.

Given the highly confidential and private information that Irish citizens hand over to An Garda Síochána, Tusla, the Courts Service, and all the other public services, I sincerely hope public servants don’t follow Mr Varadkar’s lead and leak information to their friends as they see fit. – Yours, etc,



Sallins, Co Kildare.