Inner-city whitewater rafting

Sir, – The news that the Government has refused to put some €19 million into Dublin City Council's whitewater rafting project (News, March 22nd) is welcome.

Maybe now the council might reflect on the concept of “must do, should do, and nice to do”.

The infrastructure of the city is falling apart. Road surfaces are appalling, slippery manhole covers are angled inches below the ground, and blocked gutters flood with monotonous regularity. Pavement flags are broken and uneven. The cumulative effect of this lack of basic maintenance – surely at the core of any local authority’s duty – is to pose a hazard to its citizens on a daily basis.

Vanity projects like whitewater rafting should never have been entertained while these conditions persist. – Yours, etc,




Mount Merrion,

Co Dublin.

Sir, – Instead of wanting Government funds for whitewater rafting, I suggest that Dublin City Council spend money installing curb-dishing and repairing rough footpaths, to allow disabled people to move safety and freely around the city.

As a wheelchair user, I find moving around Dublin streets stressful and dangerous. Heaven knows how blind people can cope. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.