How Covid self-testing works in Austria

Sir, – Regarding Covid regulations in Ireland, I wonder why a national policy of self-testing is not adopted.

Here in Austria there is a policy of either being tested, vaccinated or recovered to enter restaurants, bars, hotels, hairdressers, etc. One may present proof on one’s mobile phone. It is quite simple really, and not expensive to the state. If one is not yet vaccinated (or recovered), one can pick up free Covid tests from the chemist. These have a QR code for receiving an official certificate on one’s phone within seconds of completing the test. They are then valid for 24 or 48 hours, depending on the context.

This ensures that (almost certainly) nobody enters establishments with the virus. Everything reopened (with some limitations) here on May 19th and the infection numbers continue to drop.

Would this policy not suit the Irish context as well? It would at least enable many of us to return home for a visit with a little more reassurance. – Yours, etc,



