Home ownership and monied investors

Sir, – A recent survey has shown that seven out of 10 renters believe they will never be able to own their own home. A lifetime consigned to living under the threat of rent increases from landlords who have shown little mercy to renters up to now, as rents are increased, notwithstanding rent increase restrictions by Government.

Homelessness continues to increase and children are sadly part of the collateral damage in the absence of affordable homes for purchase by ordinary hardworking citizens. Investment groups are now buying entire blocks of apartments off the plans, certain in the knowledge of the guaranteed lifetime returns on these investments.

The majority of new homes that are now being built are far beyond the means of even two incomes earned by the average family. The only hope any individual has of a protected cost of housing, particularly as they get older, is home ownership.

This Government continues to fail its citizens who are denied the basic right of aspiring to own a permanent roof over their heads. Alarmingly the major Opposition party in their confidence-and-supply agreement has also failed to influence the provision of this most basic of citizens’ rights.


So what options are open to those of us who want to see this changed come the next general election? It would appear neither of the two major parties will grasp this nettle and take an initiative to influence the provision of reasonably priced homes. It is a dire and depressing situation where the only winners are the monied investors. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.