Grenfell report and the British election

Sir, – Jeremy Corbyn showed instinctive empathy for rank and file firefighters after they were brutally criticised by the Grenfell Tower report, (“London Fire Brigade criticised over Grenfell death toll”, October 29th). The Labour leader said: “I pay tribute to the heroic actions of firefighters in our country every day, including on the night of the Grenfell Tower fire.”

Boris Johnson claimed the report reveals “the truth about what happened at Grenfell tower on 14 June 2017”.

However, Matt Wrack, the general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, furiously insisted the public inquiry was “back to front”; saying that cladding was the “key issue...The firefighters turned up... after the building had already been turned, in reality, into a deathtrap...Why is nobody holding to account...the prime minister, who was previously in charge of the London fire brigade himself?”

Once again, Mr Corbyn has demonstrated that he has the backs of ordinary people. It will be noticed by voters. His sure touch in defending junior firefighters shows why he has every chance of being the next British prime minister despite constantly battling a hostile media campaign determined to portray him as “unfit for office”. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.