Green Party decision

Sir, – Further to Diarmaid Ferriter's "Complaints over Northern Greens are partitionist and ridiculous" (Opinion & Analysis, June 26th), nobody is objecting to the rights of Green Party members in Northern Ireland to vote in the current hustings. What is being questioned is their political judgment. But there's something wrong somewhere when a minuscule group of obstinates, who in this case happen to live outside the State, can jeopardise the formation of a national government. The many shades of grey of Irish citizenship we shall have to live with for now, alongside the forty shades of Green. Your columnist should be more sparing in his use of loaded terms like "partitionist". As far as "ridiculous" is concerned, it's open season on that one. – Yours, etc,



Cambridgeshire, UK.


Sir, – Simon Carolan (Letters, June 16th) laments that mere “children” in the Green Party are allowed to have a say in the formation of the next government.

I would contend that any young adult who has the wherewithal to register and engage politically with the only party that takes environmental issues seriously has demonstrated their voting credibility far more than the rest of the electorate. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.