Getting to Dublin airport

Sir, – The proposal by the DAA to charge intending passengers to be dropped off at Dublin Airport should spark a fundamental re-examination of this monopoly.

Since the mid-60s the DAA has successfully thwarted every proposal to build a rail link to the airport – presumably to protect their enormous parking revenue. Apart from making us an international laughing stock as being the only country I know of in not having a modern and convenient rail link between the capital city and by far the most important airport in the country, it inflicts hardship, inconvenience and loss of time on everyone forced to drive by car or bus to make even the most modest journey by air.

Could I suggest that a rail link be constructed below the very successful Port Tunnel. Such a line could be easily connected with the exiting Luas/rail infrastructure at the Dublin end. While there is ample scope to connect with the airport as the tunnel exits the airport side of Santry. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare