Getting on with the Leaving Cert

Sir, – While I have no doubt that Dr Áine Hyland is a fine and decent person and a respected educationalist, I have to take issue with her recent statements in the media that the Leaving CertIficate 2020 must go on as it is best selector for third-level entry. This is hard to equate with the more than a 30 per cent drop-out rate from university courses in the first year, which suggests it is in fact, a fairly poor barometer.

However, more alarming is that she says she recognises that “We must plough ahead with all of the disadvantages and recognising that it will widen the gap between those who have and those who have not ... no appeals, just get on with it”.

It is hard to give credence or support to a suggestion that will further disadvantage those who are already financially or academically disadvantaged in the first place.

She says we should just get on with it and do the best we can.


Surely we can do a lot better than that! – Yours, etc,


Skerries, Co Dublin.