Forming a government

A chara, – You report Minister for Health Simon Harris as saying: “I don’t think anybody should use this public health emergency as an opportunity to kind of demand that they must be in government” (“Harris dismisses Green Party’s call for national unity government”, News, March 18th).

Can one presume that this applies to Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil as much as anybody else? – Is mise,




Dublin 6.

Sir, – Fianna Fáil supported the Government for many months more than the original plan to give stability during the Brexit uncertainty. Is it not now time for all TDs to do the same to provide the same stability during this crisis? The present numbers in Dáil Éireann make government formation highly unlikely and another election, the most likely outcome, in my opinion, cannot be held until the pandemic is under control.

I think those who pull on the green jersey at this time will get their just reward at the next election.

If you agree then why not use some of the free time we all now have to contact your TD, by email, and let them know what you think.– Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.