Flood defences and Clontarf

Sir, – Your article “Dublin’s flood defences are protection against rising sea levels” (News, April 30th) makes reference to a 2008 planning permission for flood defences, specifically the Clontarf Promenade Flood Defence Scheme.

This scheme was not, as you suggest, rejected by locals largely on the grounds it would spoil the view of the bay.

It was rejected as the proposal did not take into account its receiving environment.

The soil mound to be placed on top of the promenade eliminated the usability of the grassy area along the length of the promenade and also obstructed the passive security provided to walkers using the inner sea-wall footpath.


The amenity Clontarf Promenade Park, a lifeline for thousands of local people during Covid, wouldn’t exist due to inadvertent environmental vandalism.

“Locals” are historically environmentally conscious and are working with Dublin City Council on a two-tier solution to provide urgent flood defences and to protect Dublin’s amenity. – Yours, etc,




Member of Dublin

City Council,

City Hall, Dublin 2.