Falling stars

Sir, – Larry Bass of ShinAwil Productions blasted the Government over its failure to support the creative arts, following the cancellation of the television series Dancing with the Stars, crying out, "When will we ever learn to value our culture in this country properly?" (irishtimes.com, July 25th).

Can someone please remind him that the Government is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, a severe economic recession, mass unemployment, a crisis in nursing homes, a domestic airline industry in an unsustainable commercial position, and has been hammering out a national stimulus package and engaging in protracted negotiations in Brussels over the EU budget and economic intervention to ensure a continent-wide recovery, while simultaneously securing funding for Cap and Brexit, the impact of which looms on the horizon.

In light of this, perhaps we can tolerate Dancing with the Stars and the creative arts occupying a lower place on the list of priorities? – Yours, etc,


